Sunday, January 22, 2017

1/22/17: NFL Championship Sunday, Bama/Clemson, and Yordano Ventura

Well, it’s been a while, my friends. Good afternoon to you, wherever you may be. Here we are again, at Championship Sunday of the NFL season. Hard to believe it’s gone by this fast.

Three games left of football this year. That’s all. And no, I don’t count the knock down, drag out game that is the Pro Bowl. If I never saw that game again, it would be too soon.

So then, let’s talk about the two championship games.

First, let’s get into the game coming up in just minutes. Green Bay at Atlanta. The red hot Aaron Rodgers vs Matt Ryan, who has had a spectacular, MVP caliber season.

To begin with, I never bought the crap that the Green Bay wide receivers who have been banged up (namely, Geronimo Allison, Jordy Nelson and Davante Adams) were going to sit this game out. No way. This is two games from a possible Super Bowl championship. If you can walk, you’re going to play. That’s the bottom line.

They may not be 100 percent, but rest is for next year. At this point, with a trip to Houston on the line, you give it what you have.

They’ve still got a tough go of it though, because Atlanta’s offense is going to score and it’s going to score a lot. An MVP caliber quarterback. Weapons all over the field. Two very good running backs.

If you like defensive football, this isn’t the game for you. Go find something else to do if that’s the case would be my advisement. Quite frankly, that applies to both games, and I’ll get into the second game in just a moment.

I’m looking around and I don’t see how both teams are kept out of the 30s eventually. I wouldn’t be surprised to see both teams break 40. That’s how dominant the offenses I think are going to be in this game.

Atlanta will score and score at will, there’s no question. But then on the other side, you have Rodgers who is doing things that some of us have never seen before. Right now, the level he’s playing at is on the level of the all-time greats: Brady, Montana, Elway, Staubach, etc.

I’m thinking that even if the Packers receivers were out, that Aaron Rodgers is the only QB I know of that can spin straw into gold. Or green and gold.

I think in the end it’s going to be decided by a field goal, a three point game. It’s going to be a 38-35, 45-42 type game. It could very well be that the last team with the ball is going to win the game.

One last thing about this game: No matter what happens to the Packers in this game, or the Super Bowl if they get there, you can just engrave their name on the NFC North title for 2017-2018 right now and put them in the playoffs. Go ahead and do it.

The Vikings epically collapsed this year and may very well lose Adrian Peterson, the Bears suck, and the Lions were a total fraud. They got to the playoffs and Stafford had a good year but they didn’t beat anyone that’s any good. As long as Green Bay has Rodgers, the North is their territory for the foreseeable future.

Now to the second game: The Steelers and the Patriots. A rivalry that honestly, if we’re looking at results, really isn’t that much of a rivalry.

It really isn’t that much of a rivalry if we’re being honest because the Steelers more often than not, lose to the Patriots in the playoffs, in fact they’ve lost to them twice in conference championship games in the last 15 some-odd years.

And I really don’t think that’s going to change today either.

Let’s put aside Antonio Brown’s Facebook live antics for just a moment. I’ll get to that in a second.

The worst thing that could have happened to the Steelers was that the Patriots won ugly against Houston, which they did. Brady threw two interceptions. He got hit a lot. He didn’t play very well and neither did his offense.

Yet, they won the game 34-16 and in the process left Belichick ways to keep his team in top form, fix their mistakes and be on point for tonight’s game.

In layman’s terms? I think the Patriots will be at the top of their game tonight. And I don’t think Pittsburgh’s best beats New England’s best. Especially not in Patriotville.

The other factor to look at is that this isn’t a typical championship caliber Steeler defense. Defense has always been the Steelers identity. This year’s unit has a couple of big names (James Harrison, Laurence Timmons, Ryan Shazier namely) but they just lack the consistency.

And their offense is good (especially Roethlisberger, Bell and Brown), but it’s going to have to be a lot better than it was last Sunday in Kansas City for there to be a Steeler upset. Namely, they’re going to have to score touchdowns not field goals tonight. Field goals aren’t gonna cut it tonight because the Patriots will score

And they’re going to score a lot.

On Antonio Brown’s Facebook live deal, I’m glad I waited until I found out that Brown has a marketing deal with Facebook before I posted this. In fact, for those who don’t know, it’s a six figure deal. A very lucrative deal, which explains his actions Sunday in Kansas City where he Facebook lived the Pittsburgh celebration. A celebration in which Steeler coach Mike Tomlin called the Patriots “a-holes.”

That didn’t help either by the way. Brady and the Patriots are already mad at the world because of Deflategate, and they don’t need any more motivation. I get why Brown did what he did, he’s got deals, but he did it on Steeler time and in the week of the biggest game of the year.

You better step up, Mr. Brown. You better step up big-time or you’ll have to hear it all offseason.

The Steelers will score but it won’t be enough. My forecast envisions Patriots 42-28.

Now to a couple of other items. First, I want to back-track and talk about the national title game between Alabama and Clemson.

Alabama fans who read this, whatever you do, don’t blame the refs for losing. You got beat by a better team on that night. In fact, you had the refs in your pocket at times in that game.

Reuben Foster should have been kicked out for targeting in the first quarter of that game, and on two occasions where Clemson was trying to go hurry-up offense, officials stopped the game for a needless review which helped Alabama.

Bottom line is, Clemson, and particularly Watson, outplayed Alabama that night and deserved to win. I don’t think Clemson is the greatest national champ I’ve ever seen, but when it mattered they beat everyone in front of them.

Last thing, a story that just came in today from baseball: Kansas City Royals pitcher Yordano Ventura, with one of the best arms in baseball, sadly, lost his life in a car accident this morning. He was 25.

It’s a reminder to all of us that life is very short. Live every day like it’s your last because you never know when it’s going to be your time.

Enjoy your NFL championship Sunday, wherever you may be. Only minutes away now.

Until next time…..

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